
Creating Culture: How Our Community Engagement Committee Makes Us Better

Meet our Community Engagement Committee! Throughout the year, our volunteers brainstorm, plan, and organize all of the fun things we do at NAI Ohio Equities. From monthly employee events like kayaking and baseball games to our quarterly volunteer opportunities like Operation Backpack – they make it all happen! But why do we have such a committee and what value does it provide? As it turns out, there are many benefits, in addition to having fun, which help us to create a strong culture and strengthen our organization!

We Want to Create Opportunities for Connection

As humans, we crave connection to others, and even more importantly, we desire to belong. Volunteer events and company activities provide an opportunity to interact with your co-workers in an informal, authentic way. Additionally, when selecting and supporting a cause, employees tend to find a commonality, which aids in developing meaningful relationships, a key element to a sense of belonging.  

We Want Our Employees Engaged

There are numerous studies that demonstrate a correlation between volunteerism and employee engagement. According to a Deloitte study, millennial workers who frequently participated in their company’s volunteer activities were twice as likely to rate their company’s culture as very positive, more proud to work for their company, and more likely to be loyal to their organization.

Volunteering Develops Leadership Skills

According to another Deloitte study, 92% of respondents agreed that volunteering is an effective way to improve leadership skills and improves employees’ broader professional skill sets including communication, accountability and commitment, and strong character – all skills desired by employers.

We Want to Attract and Retain Top Talent

Attracting and retaining talent is undoubtedly a hot topic, now more than ever, as organizations compete with remote work’s appeal. According to a study by McKinsey & Company, 81% of employees are satisfied when their company demonstrates a strong culture, values, reputation, business results and contributions to society – making it a “great company.” By creating a culture that emphasizes these characteristics, employees are not only more likely to be engaged and have higher productivity, and produce better work, but are also more likely to stay!

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